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Planning for the right retirement starts now

Have you really thought about what you will do when you retire? This is a question that millions of people are asked every year, but very few of them have any fixed, concrete answers. One of the reasons for this is that retirement is something of a fuzzy, woolly concept, one that’s centred on general ambitions rather than goals that are certain to materialise.

If you ask a hundred people about their retirement years and what they intend to do, you’ll hear several of them saying they’ll probably travel around the world, they’ll possibly play more golf, they might move abroad or they could potentially sell up and live in a camper van. These are all mights, maybes, coulds and should, but not many will be wills.

The uncertainty often stems from having no fixed financial arrangements in place. Because the individual is unsure how their income and outgoings will pan out, they’re unable therefore to commit to any definite strategy. It’s a shame when this happens, because if you think about it, retirement is one of the few things in life that, as long as we live long enough, is certain to happen. You know it’s coming, so what’s stopping you making plans right now?

Anyone who as ever looked into retirement planning, even on a somewhat cursory basis, will know that it’s a complicated issue. They’ll also know, however, that with the help and guidance of dedicated, knowledgeable advisors it’s possible to set a practical and rewarding plan in motion. For you, your family and your needs, the money can be there to pay for a full and extremely enjoyable retirement.

With sound planning, there will be money for the golf club membership fees, for the airline tickets, for the camper van and for whatever else you might have in mind. In the past, there have been too many people struggling to make ends meet when they really could have been comfortably off. Whether you’re 55 or 25, you should be taking steps right now to make sure your situation is going to be different.

Ask yourself right now if you have considered your retirement ambitions and how long you have left before you stop working. Do you have enough money in your pension pot? Are there ways to boost your income even when you’re no longer working? Do you know when you can start claiming your state pension? Are you going to be reasonably debt-free by that time?

If you think too long and too deeply about this, the picture can become increasingly blurred, but it really doesn’t have to be like that. Here at CNS Financial Solutions, we’ve been helping people just like you to plan a retirement that offers all they need to enjoy life without having to worry about money. High quality advice and guidance about every monetary aspect of retirement is ready and waiting for you right here, so call 07414 750 874 to have a friendly, no obligation chat with a member of our team.

Then, when the right strategy is in place, all that’s left for you to do is dust off the golf clubs, plan your travel itinerary or look at the most appropriate deals on camper vans. Retirement doesn’t need to be about the worry, especially when it can be about the wonderful.

The value of pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Approver: Quilter Financial Services Ltd. 09/01/24

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